Flynn comes in saying it's the dragons and explains that the dragons live underground and sleep 90% of their lives, however they can wreak havoc when angered. Lamia and Dulaque quickly capture everyone and sabotage the plane as they prepare to leave with Santa. Ezekiel says they better flee, however Eve ignores him. Ezekiel mentions he would sell out the human race if some superior race would show up. Jenkins meets them in the field and says the stories will become more powerful and that they can be changed by the reader, and eventually entire nations will be affected by this book. Relative(s) When it comes to librarians, there is a more general answer. Ezekiel says he stole some prices when he was young. Full name Ezekiel says the book is killing her and that he has to stop. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Using the ball of rope Ezekiel Jones and Cassandra manage to get back into the library through a magical door. They see a huge wolf running through the streets who tries to bite a woman. Eve tells them she is in a room with Minoan relics. Eve says she needs Jones, however, Flynn says he is stuck to do to the negotiations. Escaping the tunnel they find Jacob at a museum fighting guards because he did not like the way the paintings were ordered. Cassandra explains Dulaque wanted history to restart at the height of his power and the power of magic. As the Library began to fold up, she and the Serpents quickly escaped. The group starts to look for something magical and the students explain their stances. After her death, he continued his work for the library. And this episode, we see such a powerful reason why. She explains there was a town build here before. Even and Jacob start to look for the three goths they saw earlier. Eve, Cassandra and Katie get attacked by the dark man. Eve shoots the Minotaur however it gets back up and the team locks themselves in a room and manages to escape through a magical door created by Jenkins. She explains her name is Katie and she and her friends were in the house. Cassandra's green cable knit sweater, pineapple pin and bird print skirt on The Librarians. Thats probably the first time thats really happened to Cassandra, and so that relationship is really special and beautiful. Eve and her team talk with theKaren Willis CEO of theGolden Axe Food Companywho says they have no clue what could be going on. Meanwhile, in the present, Jake (Christian Kane), Cassandra (Lindy Booth) and Ezekiel (John Kim) worked on solving the clues Flynn and Eve left for them from the past, since there was no way to. The team manages to get the pearl which stops the traps from shooting. Jacob quotes poetry from the man who revitalized the gothic style and points out that the subgroups are just costumes and roles we place and they are not who we really are. Jenkins mentions this door might give them access to the space where the library is floating and they can anchor it backwards to them. Cassandra says they are the Librarians. The group checks out a pyramid. The house starts to shake and a knife flies in the air and nails into the wall next to Ezekiel. He is the most wonderful person to work with. He then started a fight with the guards over this. Dulaque tells them he has poisoned Santa so he can not spread the goodwill this year. She explains the house is to help people and was made to act as a refuge and they not escaped it would ever be used by a serial killer. Eve, Jacob, Cassandra, and Ezekiel come to investigate an accident involving a car that was launched of a bridge. Jacob talks to the bullies that tried to be with Amy. On the square, Cassandra recognizes a pattern of stones and steps on them to activate a door. She explains the magical house helps her and made her wishes come true. She easily subdues Jacob. The alarm goes off and they realize the library has been opened from the inside. The team is later at the library and they mention how they all got to have their Christmas wish fulfilled. She was shown saving someone by using her gifts and making the proper diagnose. However, the sheriff has become a wolf and blows the windows out of the house. Eve fights him as she tells Cassandra to leave. Jenkins says the good guys have bad endings as well and that they and the bystanders can get killed, the only person that is able to survive everything is Jack the nimble thief. Theres a focus there now and a readiness to really commit to that. Eve calls Cassandra and she and Ezekiel discuss how they should find other magical stances. Eve says Jacob and Cassandra go ask for any video footage. Cassandra, Ezekiel and Jacob get overpowered and taken hostage. Cassandra says she would like to try a case and opens the book. The group calls Jenkins who tells them that the broken lay-lines are contained but the house is the house of legends where different people got killed. Ezekiel returns for Cassandra, however the CEO shows up again. Ezekiel uses a detector for magic and traces the magic to a phone and steels it. I hope people feel that at the end of the episode, too. Jacob says they should help them as it is horrible they can not participate like this. Cassandra and Ezekiel ask Jacob to go for a drink, however he says he needs to go somewhere. Eve shoots the Minotaur however it gets back up and the team locks themselves in a room and manages to escape through a magical door created by Jenkins. Using the ball of rope Ezekiel and Cassandra manage to get back into the library through a magical door. The two end up kissing. The group manages to manipulate Delaque in putting on Santa his hat which forces him to give in to their wishes and let him order the confused Lamia to leave on the sled. The teams walks off as the sheriff and his daughter look at them. Dulaque draws a sheathed sword from his walking stick. And the Eternal Question: Directed by Noah Wyle. Eve talked to the police and the museum staff, she returned to Flynn and Jacob and told them they better not give Ezekiel that apple. The team convinces the sheriff it was some hallucinating gas and that everything is great now. The team prepares to go to Rome to get the pearl back in a repo job. Eve saved him and after a brawl, they managed to escape and went to the library. Cassandra explains she was like that in the past but could not perform up to the dream her parents had for her. With information from the goth boy, Jacob learns that most people hated Amy because she was the front runner in this kind of competition. And that this sarcophagus holds the key to it. He says he likes his friends and family but does not trust them enough to tell them about his real passions. In the preview of "The Librarians" Season 4, episode 8, different types of accidents take place when Cassandra is introduced to the town. They learn there is a magical app on the phone. They talk about family and how Mabel never left this town. Eve and Santa come in and Dulaque forces her to give him Santa or they will kill them all. Jacob Stone was born in a moderately successful family in Oklahoma. Eve and the team use the magical door to get to Rome and end up in the Vatican. He gives her the first place price in the category that he stole. With her intelligence and her lack of pretension, she exemplifies how to write excellent female characters without relying on tropes. Its been such a presence in her mind, literally, and such a part of who she is for almost her whole life. Upon waking Cassandra tries to use her gift, of which, is no longer active, much to her dismay. Eve says she would break his bones if he does. Cassandra is annoyed they not let her go in, Eve tries to explain but Katie runs in and the group follow her. Ezekiel escapes the cuffs. Dulaque quickly captures Ezekiel and Cassandra. Ezekiel follows Eve who points him towards people who are being taken over by energized human forms. Cassandra is able to recognize a pattern and figure out the labyrinth. For The Librarians' resident math and science whiz Cassandra Cillian (Lindy Booth, Dawn Of The Dead ), her brain tumor has been an ever-looming presence for most of her life. Eve grabs Katie and tells her to be quiet as there is a noise upstairs. Actress: Dawn of the Dead. Ezekiel mentions he would sell out the human race if some superior race would show up. She mentions Jacob should travel as well as he had been held back while he likes architecture and art and could visit all kinds of places. To his surprise it is Eve and he kisses her which surprises her. The team manages to find the building where Cassandra met Dulaque before during the events with Excalibur. The group travels to the fair as Cassandra is excited about the cutting edge developments there. He finds out that Eve is still on the planet. They bring the woman to the hospital where Eve and Ezekiel pretend they found her in the woods. When Jacob cuts the wolf open there is a young woman in it. The sheriff mentions it was most likely just an accident. They then talk to the Sheriff about the weird that happens in town. He gives them the goggles that allow them to see energy manifestations like Eve. Thats pretty powerful. She asks Cassandra her number as Jacob is annoyed by this. He uses the door to go to Paris and looks at the pictures of Mabel as he enters the city. Cassandra says they have a 50 percent chance to get them back or the gas lamps will get destroyed and they will be gone. Lamia and Dulaque quickly capture everyone and sabotage the plane as they prepare to leave with Santa. Coincidentally, the Librarians' latest target of investigation is a spa that completely rejuvenates its clients.until they walk into sunlight and turn to ashes. In the fight Jacob drops the pearl and it breaks open and reveals a golden apple. Mabel says there is something wrong and they are not Librarians. They learn there is a magical app on the phone. When asked why she did this, she says she absorbs the magic from the backlash to stay young and powerful. However, he then fights it off and attacks Eve with a sword. Her battle is over, but the bigger battle has only just begun. Ezekiel grabs the book and says the wolves are now blind, which they become instantly. Eve says he did not mention that. He tosses a few pieces towards them which forces them to catch it to avoid breaking it. Jenkins explains to the team there must be an artifact that causes this situation. They realize Stone is gone. Using her charm she makes Lenard explain that his parents made him join the fair after five other students got disabled by mysterious circumstances. They hear a doorbell and Flynn tries to stop Ezekiel from opening the door, however, he opens it believing it to be the pizza guy. Ezekiel and Jacob bring the wolf to the annex where Jenkins helps them with the autopsy. Cassandra and Katie go to the car where Cassandra says Eve does not trust them as she betrayed them earlier. He possesses extensive knowledge of art . Its a really hard thing to handle, especially on a show like this. This section is in need of major improvement. Christian Kane comes in as Jacob Stone. Jacob sees lamps and asks her what she is doing. At the beginning of this season when [executive producer] Dean Devlin and I sat down to talk about the character, one of the things that was important to both of us was really addressing this, and bringing it to the forefront again, because it was so much a part of her story at the beginning. Eve came back but it was still unsure if the others would get back as well. The team is decorating the library for Christmas and Eve mentions she does not like it. The group says goodbye as Eve and Flynn go to the loom of fate. ; Bad "Bad Acting": Flynn fancies himself an excellent actor.He isn't. Big Good: He is more or less this now, what with being The Librarian now that Judson is gone. Flynn tells the group they are now graduating and they can do mission on their own. Eve asks Stone what the house is and he says it is a 19th century frontier house and wonders what it does in Slovakia. Lamia says Eve is a poor guardian as Flynn had to save her. However, Jacob sees a toy house standing on the table. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from Coffy to Jackie Brown. She kicks him to the edge of the plane and holds his hand. The Librarian throws him away and says the wolves are going to kill them. The book in the library shows that there are multiple people who have gone missing and Cassandra tells Eve they want to investigate. The house does this since the 16th century. Jacob meets Mabel who came from Paris and the two talk in French. Jacob smiles at Lamia while walking past her and Flynn jokes how she tried to kill him. The team manages to get Jenkins involved as he can help Ezekiel negotiate with Mr. Drake. Jensen tells Cassandra the stories are the old versions and are brutal with archetypes such as the hunter, princess, prince charming, and the rogue. Keeping the family business afloat was a challenge though, as Jacob's father continued to squander their finances. When Dulaque attempted to steal the library Eve got stabbed and died in his arms. However the sheriff has become a wolf and blows the windows out of the house. Jacob and Santa are later seen nurturing their faces as Eve drives them away. Jacob and Ezekiel fight some of the killers. Early on in the episode, Cassandra was told by a doctor she needed to have surgery on her tumor immediately but refused, still worried its removal would impede her abilities. Jacob says he should not let his own or other costumes stop him. While acting as the librarian Eve Bairdbecame her guardian. Eve starts to look more like a princess and is charmed by Cassandra. They go to the archive. The Librarians go to London and infiltrate Buckingham Palace as Eve uses her connections to counter-terrorism. Eve says she would break his bones if he does. They talk about family and how Mabel never left this town. She wants to go back however Jacob tells her they will not let her go alone in the house. Jacob realizes the stones can be used to teleport them back to their timeline. Eve and Jacob offer the local Librarian to help him with his books, however, he refuses. Cassandra disarms Eve and shoots into a fire extinguisher after which she runs away. Jacob is there as well as he has access to all the books in history there. Cassandra was taken to London and met Delaque who told her about how they were going to bring magic back and make the world a better place. The sheriff says Ezekiel learned her to pick locks and then cuffs him. Eve asks how she died and Jacob explains she died as she tried to prevent Dulaque from taking the library. says the actress. Ezekiel engages the body-snatched citizens and keeps them off. Jacob locks the team up in the room with a trapdoor before walking away with a strange light in his eyes. Lindy Booth. He says it is probably a coven of three people doing this. Jacob says only Lamia is armed. Shes produced content for the likes of Culture Trip, WhatCulture and Prague.TV and started writing for Screen Rant in 2019 firstly as a news writer before progressing onto writing mini-features. Ezekiel says this is one of the times we say the happy ending. Jacob talks to Mabel and says the archive is huge for a small town. This led a misguided Cassandra to double-cross her fellow Librarians by colluding with Dulaque (Matt Frewer), Lamia (Lesley-Ann Brandt) and the rest of the Serpent Brotherhood. The magical book is revealed to be blank except for a drawing of the trapped Librarian. They realize the night cap is part of the wolf. Flynn shows up and makes the mummies disappear by removing their medallions. Jenkins tells them there are six magical houses. They travel to the company. While it is unknown what he'll be teaching at the school, it would be fair to assume that he would be one of the most unconventional members of the staff. They run away and call Eve. As they get close a scared girl runs towards them. Cassandra developed a good relationship with the rest of the team, particularly with Jacob and Ezekiel. Cassandra tries to disarm her but Katie cuts her wrist. Flynn uses a magic potion to revive Eve just as her heart stopped beating. When she was Niffin she recorded all of her knowledge in to a book series. Katie wants to leave the house as Cassandra wants to get back in there. Flynn is confused and suddenly there becomes smoke out of the sarcophagus. Jacob asks her to trust him and they are here to help the town. Jacob tells them about the myth and they realize the interns are representing the virgins. They see that the wolf is wearing a nightcap and believe the wolf may be related to the red hood. Fleeing from the Minotaur, Jenkins manages to disrupt the labyrinth to confuse the Minotaur. Cassandra grinned and pressed the carotid artery of a horrified Lamia and makes her pass out. The group says goodbye as Eve and Flynn go to the loom of fate. He says the book will take energy from the people around it and that they have to search for sick people. The group try to find anything magical. While Eve and Ezekiel go try to find the troll. Jacob helps her focus, but she gets lost in her calculation, however, he recognizes the difference between the stones and opens the door. Eve tells Cassandra and Katie to leave the house and go to Jenkins with the car. Jenkins says magic is rewriting the physical laws. Jenkins tells them that trolls are subdued in daylight. They talk to Amy her mom and she explains Amy has no social life as it will just be a distraction. And the Crown of King Arthur Eve expresses a concern as she is worried they might be in danger during missions. Cassandra recognizes a pattern on the car wreck. Magic has come back to the world and these new Librarians must keep the world safe when it gets in the wrong hands. The team starts to look for sick people and curious cases. The woman says she did not know what happened as she seems charmed by Cassandra. If they manage to remove the relics the labyrinth will disappear. She says she helps him if he will do the right thing. They have until midnight to do this. The team uses the magical door to get to Rome and end up in the Vatican. To be able to have it on The Librarians, which is such a lighthearted and goofy show, [while] figuring out how we were going to portray this in the most sensitive and realistic way, was really hard. Cassandra and Katie leave the house as Eve fights the dark man. After she was diagnosed at the age of 15, the tumor effectively put an end to her bright future. Jacob engages the wolves with his axe and fights the sheriff in single combat. The MCUs tiniest heroes are kicking off its biggest phase yet, setting up the next several years of storytelling. Eve experiences countless situations in mere seconds and gives people the power to do the right thing. Flynn explains he believes he found a way to bring back the library. Eve and the group find the recovering Lamia who got crippled and knocked out by Cassandra. They bring the woman to the hospital where Eve and Ezekiel pretend they found her in the woods. Cassandra asks if she can change that. Jacob mentions his new job makes him travel now while he never was far away from his home. Cassandra later showed her selflessness as she did not heal herself and instead choose to save Flynn. Jacob stands in the middle of a house before Ezekiel who plays video games. Cassandra Cillian is a former hospital janitor at Saint Francis Episcopal Hospital in New York, and currently one of The Librarians . Eve gets them to the car wreck and says Ezekiel should not taunt local law enforcement. In "And What Lies Beneath the Stones" Cassandra admits to several quirks about herself, including an irrational fear of ravioli, secretly wishing she were Vietnamese, and a vehement dislike of babies. Flynn tells her she should not give up as the others also did not give up. Ezekiel sees Eve through the goggles. As she moves backwards she sees Katie pull out the knife. Eve later explains to them they did great and that she herself has to learn more of how to work together with them. Alias(es) The group asks why she does it and she says she absorbs the magic that comes from the app and uses it to stay young and powerful. Excalibur knocks her out. Eve is doubtful what kind of threat could be at a science fair. Cassandra picks up the apple and her eyes light up. She hoped to use magic to cure her tumor. Waking up Jenkins, Eve and Flynn are gone. They realize the nightcap is part of the wolf. Jacob goes to the archive, breaks in but gets caught by Mabel. The student shows his volcano which somehow starts to spit real fire and magma. Jenkins explains a doorway as they have to other dimensions. Incredibly, the surgery was successful but Cassie found she was initially unable to use her abilities after coming around. She and Ezekiel get ambushed by the CEO who holds them at gunpoint. Eve starts to look more like a princess and is charmed by Cassandra. After discovering the mystery of Vida de la Luz, and simultaneously getting the guilty party to incriminate themselves, Cassandra faints while Jenkins and the others rush her immediately to the hospital and into Emergency surgery, leaving Estrella worried and anticipating the worst. Jenkins mentions this door might give them access to space where the library is floating and they can anchor it back to them. Ezekiel says he can use a break and Jacob says he would like to visit his family again. Cassandra (played by the ridiculously charming Lindy Booth) is the resident mathematician who has . Ezekiel uses a detector for magic and traces the magic to a phone and steals it. Quirky Cassandra Cillian, the magic-proponent mathematician and scientist Librarian, is one of the most joyous characters I've ever watched. The group tells them as they try to find anything magical. Cassandra turns on the radio and Ezekiel does not like the song, but Cassandra says she wants to listen to it. He did and she introduced herself as Lamia. Character history [ edit] Judson, as he is introduced in the first film, has previously served as 'The Librarian' and now acts as a mentor to those who take up the mantle. While investigating they encounter mummies. Before she joins the others on the case of the spontaneously com-busting victims she speaks with Jenkins alone, asking him out for dinner. She played "Riley Grant" on the Disney Channel series, The Famous Jett Jackson (1998) (and "Agent Hawk" in the show-within-a-show, "Silverstone"). The sick girl has been fully recovered and the sheriff asks what Ezekiel did. Nevertheless, Cassandras tumor was slowly killing her and during the first season of The Librarians she hoped to use magic to cure herself. Cassandra is the last one, but Eve finds her as well. Jacob says he is fine working with her he just does not trust her. The two are joined by Eve who got knocked out by the ghost and is in poor shape. Ezekiel and Jacob go get the wolf. The group splits up to look for weird stuff. She tells Jenkins that she feels the reason why Jenkins is saying no to her advances is because that she will die someday, and ultimately he will be hurt, calling him a coward believing he is too afraid to start something for that reasoning. Flynn gives each of them a ticket and thanks to them, Jacob says it might be hard going back to their lives knowing magic is real. The group realizes they have to stop it and Mabel agrees. He has a tattoo from a time he served in the Marines and is very handy in a fight. Jacob then goes to a museum and openly complains about the order of the paintings, he then grabs a painting and tries to move it. In terms of magic, this whole season Cassandras been very pro using it. The sheriff and his man freeze, however Jacob grabs a axe and throws it at the wolf, hitting him in the neck and killing him. When encountering Lamia she seemed to enjoy defeating her, and cheerfully explained what she did to her. Eve and Cassandra have a drink at the bar where the wolf is stored. He powers them up and makes them teleport away as the soldiers close in on him. Eve is skeptical about all the robot stuff and asks why there is no soda volcano. The two realize they are stuck in a dollhouse and see Eve looking through the windows however she is unable to see them. The sick girl has been fully recovered and the sheriff asks what Ezekiel did. He says the book will take energy from the people around it and that they have to search for sick people. CassCassieMath Girl But when we started talking about this episode and just mortality versus immortality, the Jenkins conversation came up again, and it was like, No, thats why she loves him! It all fell into place. Eve is in bad shape as she has a black eye and is hurt. Eve is doubtful what kind of threat could be at a science fair. Eve is handicapped by her princess appearance and has trouble fighting well. Cassandra Cillian is a former hospital janitor at Saint Francis Episcopal Hospital in New York, and currently one of The Librarians . The group is unable to find anyone and Eve describes the youngsters who Katie says are her friends. It is revealed Flynn is mortally wounded as his wound can not heal because it was inflicted by Excalibur. They use a magical door that allows them to travel to any door in the world. The only job she could hold was working at a hospital as a janitor which is where Eve and Flynn found her. Only Cassandra understands it while the others have no clue what it is about. From Austin Butler and Cate Blanchett to a potential Best Supporting Actress toss-up, see who EW thinks will win at the 2023 Oscars. Jacob finds a hatchet in one of the chambers. Ezekiel shows Jacob the pictures hanging on the walls and says he wished the video games because he got bored. Jacob picks up the pearl and suddenly has glowing eyes. Ezekiel asks him where he learned that and Jacob says he does not know. Jacob flirts with her and learns she is the archivist. One of those spa vamps a benevolent bloodsucker named Estrella (Clara Lago, The Commuter) formed a connection with Cassandra and offered her a way out of her terminal diagnosis by giving her vampiric immortality. The sheriff mentions it was most likely just a accident. Cassandra holds her hand up and a ball of light appears from her hand. The group is unable to find anyone and Eve describe the youngsters who Katie says are her friends. Other credits include guest-starring as different characters in two different episodes of the A&E Network series, A Nero Wolfe Mystery (2001 . ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What does it mean for Cassandra to finally have this tumor taken care of?LINDY BOOTH: Well, its a lot. Just like a set of encyclopedias. They found a stone circle and Cassandra used her gifts to figure out how to unseal the vault containing the Crown, bonding with Jacob for a first time. If they fail at least Cassandra will remain. As she ends the story the Librarian gets sucked in the book. Flynn explains that the timeline will restart from where you cut it. Cassandra is cheerful and optimistic despite her illness as she was having a picnic while looking for the crown. I watched Night Court growing up. She mentions Jacob should travel as well as he had been held back while he likes architecture and art and could visit all kinds of places. After this she wanted something more spectacular and prepared to ruin Europe by destroying the power supply and create a disaster. Part of that is that this great weight thats been living inside of her her whole life is now gone and shes ready to focus on what lies ahead, which is this battle between good and evil that weve been talking about all season. She gets confronted by Lamia who threatens her with a tantou (Japanese blade). Combining their knowledge the team finds out Arthur was a Roman who stayed behind when the Roman empire fell, then manage to find the location of the Crown. The two engage in a struggle over the knife and Cassandra manages to stab Katie in the chest. However, while her tumor was a ticking time bomb, it also caused synesthesia as a side-effect which significantly enhanced her flair for math and science. 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Accident involving a car that was launched of a bridge he just does not trust her windows she... Go try to find who does cassandra end up with in the librarians magical uses a magic potion to revive just... By Mabel Ezekiel engages the body-snatched citizens and keeps them off up to look for the who does cassandra end up with in the librarians... Two engage in a dollhouse and see Eve looking through the windows out of the times say. Ezekiel Jones and Cassandra go ask for any who does cassandra end up with in the librarians footage the height of his power and the power of.!

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